Maintaining Standards the BRC Way!!

BRC Packaging

For the second year running East Lancashire Box Co. Ltd. has been certificated with a Grade A in the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials. The rigorous audit took place over two days in the middle of April and today we received our certificate confirming we have maintained our Grade A standard!!

A few years ago when we started the process of trying to obtain certification by the standard we were unaware of quite how intense it would be. Luckily we have a great workforce, who understand the need to follow all the procedures we put in place. However, until we began our mission to become BRC certified a lot of what we did was not well documented or recorded, a vital element to the BRC standard. Therefore, we had to develop and amend a lot of our procedures, as well as making some physical alterations to site in the hope of achieving our BRC dream. Our workforce, being adaptable and diligent in all that they do, have responded perfectly to these changes taking on board and following all our amendments and alterations to their working practices helping us to meet the standard and receive a virtually flawless audit report.

For those who may be unaware, BRC (British Retailer Consortium) Global Standard is a leading safety and quality certification program used by over 20,000 suppliers in 90 countries. It guarantees standardisation of quality, safety and operational criterion and ensures that manufactures fulfil their legal obligations and provide protection for the end customer. It has become a fundamental requirement to many of the leading retailers. The standards are developed for different product areas such as Food Safety, Consumer Products, Packaging and Packaging Material, and storage and distribution. ELB is certified under the Packaging and Packaging Material category which consists of six sections:-

1. Senior Management & Commitment and Continual Improvement.
2. Hazard and Risk Management System.
3. Technical Management System.
4. Site Standard.
5. Product & Process Control.
6. Personnel – standard for training, protective equipment and personal hygiene.

East Lancashire Box are committed to improving and developing all that goes into our end products to meet industry, retailers and consumer requirements and needs.

As ever, our achievements would not be possible without our dedicated team of employees who chose to undertake changes and developments to better the business with 100% commitment and enthusiasm, for this we extremely grateful.